Automotive—Submit Guest Post

We Want Your Guest Posts!
Are you a writer and/or a fan of Launch OBD2 and would like to share your experiences with automotive repair, car DIY new or automotive-related items?
Write for us!
We can provide free or discount OBD2 scanner for your submission, Even money.
we would gladly show you some love to your blog or website in exchange for your guest post. We will also promote the article on our social media channels within 24 hours of publish date, and it may be Reposted/tweeted repeatedly over time depending on the quality and subject matter.
Guest Post Guidelines:
Must be an original article, not published anywhere else.
Article length: 400-800 words
We are interested in quality over quantity. Please ensure your spelling and grammar are great so we don’t have to spend a lot of time editing.
Make it eye-catching — we love articles with pictures and/or media links Please include an author byline so people know how awesome you are. Include a picture of yourself, if you like. Say cheese!
Email us at with your article, and include your name and contact info. All submissions are subject to our approval and become the property of Kingbolen.
PS:if you are good at social media like Youtube,facebook,Twitter,Instagram or other platform,you can also email us.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Kingbolen, we’re the Authorized Reseller for selling all Launch obd2 scanner which is a well-known brand worldwide.


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